Yönetim Kadrosu

Yönetim ekibimiz, eğitimde kaliteyi ve yeniliği esas alan, öğrencilerimizin ve çalışanlarımızın gelişimini her zaman ön planda tutan bir anlayışla çalışmaktadır.

Profesyonellik Değerimizle Öne Çıkıyoruz

Her Zaman İşimize Adanmışız
Güvenilir Bir Eğitim Kurumuyuz
Sürekli Gelişimi Benimsiyoruz
Büyük Bir Aileyiz
Çukurova Koleji

Yönetim Ekibimizi Tanıyın

Eğitimdeki başarılarımızın arkasında, alanında uzman ve liderlik vizyonuna sahip bir ekip bulunmaktadır.

Ayşe Demir

Eğitim Koordinatörü

Ahmet Yılmaz

Genel Müdür

Melis Çığ

Teknoloji ve İnovasyon Müdürü

Salih Kaya

Rehberlik ve Danışmanlık Uzmanı

Meltem Demir

Sanat ve Kültür Koordinatörü

Zeynep Dora

Psikolojik Danışman

Kadirli Çukurova Koleji olarak, her öğrencinin potansiyelini keşfetmesine olanak tanıyan modern ve kaliteli eğitim anlayışımızla geleceği inşa ediyoruz. 

Kampüslerin Adres Bilgisi
Tarsus Çukurova Koleji
Kadirli Çukurova Koleji
Çalışma Saatleri
Pazartesi - Cuma: 8.00 - 18.00
Cumartesi - Pazar: Kapalı

Charlotte Sophia

Human Resources Manager

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.


Juhani Pallasmaa

Juhani Pallasmaa

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.


Dora Schwartz

Capabilities Leader

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.


Megan Oustin

Senior Android Developer

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.


Julian Boone

Chief Executive Officer

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.


Charlotte LinLin

Senior Consulting Developer

Phone Number: (234) 109-6666 


As a pillar to CID Consulting, Mr. Fahmy brings significant perspective and talent in institution building, communication and human resource development with the Private sector. Mr. Fahmy is the current CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (AMCHAM).

business association of the region. Mr. Fahmy served as Deputy Director of the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and serves on the board of a variety of private enterprises. He is duly recognized for his prominent contribution to important advances in Egypt’s business environment.


Aclimandos joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt in 1983. He was elected to the board of governors in 1987 and re-elected in 1988 and 2007. Donor Programs committees, and as vice president, membership from 2001 to 2005. Aclimandos was elected President of AmCham Egypt in 2013 and served for two consecutive terms till 2017.